March Newsletter:  We are here to celebrate Clare Samol and Jill Janszen!

March Newsletter: We are here to celebrate Clare Samol and Jill Janszen!


March Newsletter: We are here to celebrate Clare Samol and Jill Janszen!

They both just had Pilates babies!!!!!!!!!

Here is Clare!!!!

After struggling with back pain for the past 7 years, I was quite nervous about how my back would handle being pregnant again.  Thankfully I had been working with Heather for almost a year prior to getting pregnant and was able to regain my health.  I continued working with her up until I was 36 weeks pregnant and never had my back go out, had to take any pain medication, or make any modifications for back pain.  I was able to keep up with my older two kids, play tennis until my third trimester, and just have a good quality of life.

Clare 2

Clare and I will be collaborating on MamaCare Complete! It will be an online Mama program for all things pre and postnatal! Clare will be working on the nutrition side and I will be working on the core function! We are so excited and will keep you posted!!!!

Georganna Smith started with us September of 2021!

Introducing Jill Janszen!

Jill was sent to us by a very dear client, Debbie Hilton! Thank you Debbie!

Jill is amazing! This is her first baby and she was a champ. She is beautiful, strong, and a small business owner! She will be busy, but we look forward to having her in class to help keep her sanity in check!

Here is what Jill said about her experience here at Core Mobility Fitness:
Not only did Pilates keep me in shape during pregnancy, it helped me prepare for birth! Now Pilates is helping get my pre-baby body back! It’s a beautiful workout that connects mind and body for me! It’s never too late to start!

Georganna Smith started with us September of 2021!





It’s time for the February Member Spotlight!!!!!!
I can’t believe how fast January flew by!!!

This month we meet Kathy and Zelda!

Zelda has been a client of mine since I was pregnant with my youngest! Zelda has been a light for me to work with every time I see her. We laugh, work hard, and have a blast! Zelda brought Kathy to our Open house when we expanded, and she just fit right into the Core Mobility Fitness family! Kathy started working with Sherlyn and has gotten so much stronger! Kathy is a kind and wonderful person who is just full of energy.

Both ladies bring an enormous amount of joy into the studio and we are so happy to have them here!

Here is what Zelda said about her experience here are Core Mobility Fitness …..

I’ve been doing Pilates with Heather for more than 6 years and it has become a critical part of my personal health plan – especially since I am now a senior and semi-retired. 

I love Pilates!!! It has definitely strengthened my core and I have regained my flexibility! Working on the Reformer really provides me with a full- body workout.  I feel my  posture has improved, my lower-back issue has improved, and I am definitely more toned! (it’s noticeable! Legs, arms, shoulders) I feel good! I am strong and energized and look forward to my visits at Core Mobility Studio.  It really is a fun place to go! The  instructors are great and my personal needs are taken care of – I love how the  instructors provide that personal touch and ensure that everyone’s needs are met.

Thank you Zelda!!!!

Here is what Kathy shared with us!

This is the best thing that I have done for myself and I owe it all to Sherlyn, Heather, and of course Zelda! I would not have started without Zelda’s help!

I have gone from feeling an achy, poor back and feeling like my posture needs help to waking up every morning and going on a brisk 2 mile walk! The Pilates classes have increased my strength and stamina plus greatly improved my flexibility.

Thank you Core Mobility Fitness! I feel like a brand new me!

Georganna Smith started with us September of 2021!





Georganna Smith started with us September of 2021!

She started her Pilates journey way back in 2010 and loved it so much she wanted to become Miss Pilates!

When her parents became ill, she had to stop her Pilates to care for them, but with the encouragement of her friend, Mary Pixler, she began her Pilates journey again with us.

Here is what Georganna feels she has gained!

I have increased my overall stamina in performing everyday activities. I no longer load up the bottom of my stairs with stuff to take up, I now walk up and down the stairs throughout the day without getting out of breath. This is a big deal for me!

My back no longer gets sore during prolonged activities and I am so much stronger! I was recently shopping for wine and a gentlemen was helping me with my choices. I leaned past him and grabbed a bottle with each hand and exclaimed, “See that! I could not have done that if I did not take  pilates!” I was so proud of myself. I won’t deny that it makes me quite proud when friends tell me how much better I am carrying myself.

I don’t have a favorite exercise, but i love to stretch! My goal is to raise my legs straight up into the air with my knees straight and hold them there!


Georganna Smith started with us September of 2021!

Cathy Wright came to us in the summer of 2020 as a recommendation from Anna Gammil.

Cathy is a competitive ballroom dancer. and she started her Pilates journey 10 years ago! Since joining us in 2020, she has felt her stronger, more fit, and better balanced which she attributes to her success as a dancer!

Here is what Cathy feels she has gained!

 I am 71 years young and a competitive ballroom dancer.  So I need to stay fit, strong and balanced.  There are three other women at my dance studio all younger who all have private workout fitness trainers.  When covid restrictions were lifted all of these women started working out more and as a result all of them had injuries that have necessitated them dropping out of some competitions.  Not me.  I am still going strong thanks to my pilates instructor.  She is so in tune to what my body needs and pays attention to all my small aches and pains taking care that I continue to get stronger.  This has been done with gentle yet firm encouragement.  For this fact and that I am still at 71 able to dance competitively is remarkable.  I feel very fortunate and blessed to have found Heather.

You are amazing Cathy!

Cathy Wright came to us in the summer of 2020 as a recommendation from Anna Gammil.

December 2022 Newletter

December 2022 Newletter

General Fitness

December 2022 Newletter

Featured clients of the month!


Melissa and Sheryl

Here are a few things Melissa shared with us about her experience here at CMF!

I knew I needed to get back into an exercise program and knew I wanted to try Pilates and yoga.
I looked around at different studios, but really fell in love with CMF.  I enjoyed their family atmosphere, friendly people, and smaller more personalized classes. For the first time in my life, I look forward to going to workout and sad when I have to miss. 

There are so many goals I have achieved here and continue to work towards my fitness goals. I have lost fat and gained muscle in places that have been hard to get muscle back. My balance and flexibility have increased a lot.  Mostly, I feel better overall! 

If I had anything to say about Sheryl, it would be Day 1!!  She welcomed me into CMF from the first moment I met her. She has truly been an encourager and motivator. She is helpful and encouraging to others as well!! I feel like I gained a friend for life in Sheryl!  I love her so!

I can’t say enough good things about CMF and look forward to many good workouts with them!

If you have not met Sheryl, she absolutely welcomes everyone in! Here are some things she shared with us.

What brought you to Core Mobility Fitness?
The dedicated instructors who vehemently care about your health. Plus, enjoying my exercise of choice which is Pilates reformer.

What have you accomplished here?
Fitness goals, weight loss, smile more, stronger, found a muscle you did not know existed, more fun in your life, new wine, sexier….. you get the jist… (:

I find that regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health.  I have improved my brain health, boosted my endurance, gained muscle & core strength, helped manage my weight gain, reduced the risk of disease, strengthened my bones and muscles, and I have successfully improved my balance and ability to do everyday activities.

How would you describe your workout partner?
I have decided to make my sweat session way more social.  For me, here are reasons why a workout buddy is just what the doctor ordered:

I am now even more committed to my fitness goals.
I am less likely to get bored and quit.
I feel less stressed and more balanced.
I will push myself to work harder if my buddy holds me accountable.
It helps me stick to my weight loss goals.
It is safer to work out with a buddy or partner.
Oh, and I may even live a few years longer.
I can connect and enjoy a nice glass of wine with my female buddies on Wine Wednesdays.

Anything you would like to add about your time here with us?
I have learned not to compare myself to others. At Core Mobility Fitness, there is such a thing as healthy competition.  I have learned that people who enjoy their workouts reap more mental benefits such as lower stress levels and a decreased risk of depression.

So, let’s make it a Wine Wednesday together……..

Heather here!!

If I can add, these two ladies make me smile every time they walk into the room. They are excited, supportive, and love to move!  They bring joy to everyone around them!

Thank you for being with us!!!