March Newsletter: We are here to celebrate Clare Samol and Jill Janszen!
NewsletterMarch Newsletter: We are here to celebrate Clare Samol and Jill Janszen!
They both just had Pilates babies!!!!!!!!!
Here is Clare!!!!
After struggling with back pain for the past 7 years, I was quite nervous about how my back would handle being pregnant again. Thankfully I had been working with Heather for almost a year prior to getting pregnant and was able to regain my health. I continued working with her up until I was 36 weeks pregnant and never had my back go out, had to take any pain medication, or make any modifications for back pain. I was able to keep up with my older two kids, play tennis until my third trimester, and just have a good quality of life.
Clare and I will be collaborating on MamaCare Complete! It will be an online Mama program for all things pre and postnatal! Clare will be working on the nutrition side and I will be working on the core function! We are so excited and will keep you posted!!!!
Introducing Jill Janszen!
Jill was sent to us by a very dear client, Debbie Hilton! Thank you Debbie!
Jill is amazing! This is her first baby and she was a champ. She is beautiful, strong, and a small business owner! She will be busy, but we look forward to having her in class to help keep her sanity in check!
Here is what Jill said about her experience here at Core Mobility Fitness:
Not only did Pilates keep me in shape during pregnancy, it helped me prepare for birth! Now Pilates is helping get my pre-baby body back! It’s a beautiful workout that connects mind and body for me! It’s never too late to start!